Arka provides cutting edge technology in telemedicine and ehealth that gives ample benefits to healthcare providers in reaching the remotest people in an innovative and cost effective way.
At Arka, we firmly believe that quality healthcare is the right to all. We have developed our telemedicine system in collaboration with the people who use it. Before developing this telemedicine system we met number of medical practitioners from urban as well as rural areas, associated with various faculties. We tried to find out what is needed in a telemedicine system that would improve patient access to healthcare. The product is the end result of their valuable opinions.

Arka Telemedicine systems are developed as a fully integrated telemedicine solution for linking various clinics and hospitals located in various remote areas of India with Specialty Hospitals. The system helps the doctors in these hospitals/clinics to seek expert opinion on treatment, medicine etc from expert doctors at these Specialty Hospitals. It also allows doctors to share their data with one another. Arka provides complete Telemedicine solution, backed up by expert integration, customer service and training support.
Our goal is to provide accessibility of expert medical practitioners to the remotest regions within the country and abroad through state of the art technologies with optimal economical outcomes.
We will strive for leadership to understand the needs of patients and healthcare providers to create and deliver innovative solutions that enable people to access quality health care.
Arka will excel to improve public health by setting the highest standards in health care with the help of telemedicine and ehealth. Arka is able to provide low cost innovative solutions. Using latest available technology, we can make system as per your requirements.
Benefits of Arka’s Telemedicine
- Health care information universally available at the touch of a button; Patient satisfaction with face-to-face video consultation;
- Video conferencing also opens up new possibilities for continuing education or training for isolated or rural health practitioners;
- Arka Telemedicine service provides primary specialist diagnosis, second opinion, recommended treatment and post treatment advice based on consultation, medical data test results;
- Remote specialists can provide expert advice on the transmitted ECG or scanned images like MRI, CT-scan, X-Ray, ultrasound, doppler, echo, holter, angiographies, etc.